A-Z Information


School Board

Each government school in the ACT is administered by a School Board whose membership is composed of the School Principal, two elected staff members, three elected members of the parent body and a nominee of the Department of Education.  Elected members normally serve a two year period.

The School Board is the policy making body of the school.  Its major functions are to:
• determine the educational policies to be implemented at the school
• determine the purpose for which school funds are to be expended
• assess the needs of the school in relation to buildings and facilities
• develop relations between the school and community.
Policies established by the Board are implemented by the Principal and staff.

School Hours

School Day   9:00am - 3.00pm

Morning Session   9:00am – 11:00am

Break 1   11:00am - 11.40am

Middle Session   11:40am – 1:00pm

Lunch Eating   1:00pm – 1:10pm

Lunch is eaten in class groups under teacher supervision.

Break 2   1:10pm – 1:50pm

Afternoon Session  1.50pm – 3:00pm

At the commencement of the school day students assemble in class lines for 'Morning Lines' at 8:57am. Parents are encouraged to stay for Morning Lines where daily announcements are given.

Parents are asked to wait for their children outside the school building at the end of the school day.

School Values

Our school values are honesty, excellence, fairness and respect.  These values underpin all that we do at Mount Rogers.  These values are used to ensure that students have a safe and inspiring learning environment.  Each term we focus on developing a clear understanding of one core value - Term 1 Respect, Term 2 Excellence, Term 3 Fairness, Term 4 Honesty.


If the school is required to administer medication, precise written instructions with the medication must be provided by the parents/carers to the front office. Medication is not to be kept in school bags.
In the case of illness at school, parents/carers will be contacted and are expected to collect their child as soon as possible. .  It is vital that up-to-date parent contact details are provided to the school to allow us to make timely contact.

Sport and Physical Education

The school provides a comprehensive Sport and Physical Education program.  All students participate in daily fitness.  We provide specific programs in gross motor skill development, sport skills and circus skills.  Swimming, cross-country running and athletics sports days are conducted to ensure maximum participation of all students in the school.  Swimming, cross-country and athletics teams are then chosen to represent the school at the district carnivals.  If successful at district level students then compete in the ACT carnivals.  Students in years 3 and 4 participate in one term of tennis coaching.

Sporting Houses

Mount Rogers Primary has 4 sporting houses – the Red Kangaroos, Blue Tongue Lizards, Green Tree Frogs and Yellow Cockatoos.  Students are placed in the same sporting houses as any older siblings when they commence kindergarten. At swimming, cross-country and athletics carnivals students represent their sporting house.

Student Representative Council

Students are involved in leadership and decision making processes through the democratically elected Student Leadership Council (SLC).  Each term classes elect a girl and a boy as their representatives.  The SLC meets each fortnight to take part in decision making processes and to plan recreational and charity fund raising activities for the student body.

Sun Protection

Students are required to wear a SunSmart Hat for all outdoor activities except in the months of June and July.
We encourage students to adopt skin protection behaviours and help children gain knowledge, attitudes and skills to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which will reduce their risk of skin cancer. Staff and parents are encouraged to act as role models by practising SunSmart behaviour.
Any student who does not have a broad brimmed or bucket hat will be asked to sit in a designated shade area of the playground during recess and lunch playtimes.
Students will also be excluded from outdoor sporting activities if they don’t have a hat.