Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL)

What is PBL? Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a framework that ACT schools use to get everyone – students, staff, families and the school community - on the same page to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. (Positive Behaviour for Learning - Education)

At Mount Rogers, the school expectations sit underneath the acronym RISE. We are Respectful, Inclusive, Safe and Engaged Learners. Students and teachers collaboratively develop the expectations for both non-classroom and classroom settings, giving everyone a common language and understanding. Students are positively acknowledged for demonstrating these behaviours, working towards Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates and Ribbons. The school also has a RISE award at the end of Year 6 for a student who has consistently demonstrated these expectations throughout their primary school journey.

Some other ways the school recognises and acknowledges positive behaviours is through the Whole School celebrations and Monday Motivators.

Whole school celebrations acknowledge all students from across K-6 who work towards a common Positive Behaviour target. These whole school targets are set using data collected from both positive and negative incidents, then analysed by the PBL team and staff. Once the target has been achieved the whole school enjoys a celebration. These have included a pyjama day, crazy hair day and the very popular Break 3!

Monday Motivators is an initiative to recognise consistent positive behaviours that have been displayed throughout the week either in class or on the playground. Teachers each week select one student from their class to receive a Monday Motivator at our Monday Morning lines. Recipients select from our Monday Motivator box which includes pencils, erasers, handballs and frisbees, all with our RISE logo on them.